Cervical Decompression for Neck Pain Relief in Portland, ME

Hi, I'm Dr. Murphy here at Chiropractic & Sports Health, and I'm here to talk to you about one of the treatment options that we have here at our office.

Cervical Traction Treatment for Neck Pain

Okay, so a lot of people come in with neck pain, arthritis, disc issues, shooting pain down their arm, and one of the best things that you can do for that is called cervical traction. Okay, so here we have Austin, he's hooked up to our cervical traction unit. And basically what this machine does, is it supports under the neck pulls up on the head, and it stretches out each of your vertebrae and kind of decompresses that nerve that comes up from your neck. If it's being compressed by tight muscles, maybe a bone spurs, maybe you have a disc compressing one of your nerves, and this is just a nice gentle way to kind of open up those holes where the nerves come out to take some of the tension off of those tight muscles and can help alleviate some of those radicular symptoms that you might have, if you have a disc issue.

Learn more about Chiropractic Care and Neck Pain.


At Home Trick for Instant Headache Relief in Portland, ME


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