Migraine Treatment Chiropractor in Portland, ME Near ME Chiropractor For Migraines

Migraine Treatment In Portland, ME

Migraines are more than just headaches; they are a complex neurological condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Despite being a common ailment, migraines often remain misunderstood.

A migraine is a headache disorder characterized by recurrent, intense headaches that can cause severe throbbing or pulsing pain, often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. A complex combination of neurologic and vascular events causes these symptoms and pain in the brain.

There are two main types of migraines.

  1. Migraine without Aura: The most common type, characterized by moderate to severe pain lasting from four to 72 hours

  2. Migraine with Aura: Involves specific warning signs like visual disturbances, such as flashes of light or blind spots, before the headache begins

Headache Treatment Chiropractor Portland ME Near Me

Common Causes and Symptoms of Migraines in Portland, ME

Migraine Triggers

There are a wide variety of migraine causes. These causes typically are known as “triggers” and can include the following:

  • Diet and Dehydration - Sensitivities to things like caffeine or food preservatives, as well as drops in blood sugar, can all contribute to triggering a migraine. Similarly, lack of water intake can temporarily shrink the dura inside the skull, initiating a migraine. Using a food diary to identify and avoid food triggers, as well as track water intake, are helpful tools we often teach patients to prevent migraines.

  • Stress - Chronic, stressful situations can increase stress hormones, like cortisol, causing changes in blood flow to the brain, which can trigger a migraine. Similarly, stress can lead to tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and jaw, which can also increase the likelihood of a migraine. Myofascial work to ease tense muscles, as well as relaxation techniques such as breathing and journaling, help to naturally reduce stress.

  • Irregular Sleep Schedule - Sleep is critical for your body’s ability to rest and heal. Inconsistent or inadequate sleep interferes with the healing process and alters your body’s regular cycle of hormones and neurotransmitters, which themselves can trigger a migraine. This altered regulation can make people more susceptible to other triggers like lights or smells. We take a holistic approach to treating migraines and look at all aspects of their lives, including their sleep schedule. We advise them on activities they can do to help prioritize their sleep, like regular exercise, going to bed, and waking up at the same time each day.

  • Medications

Migraine Symptoms

Migraine symptoms vary from person to person, but usually, they all involve a throbbing headache on one or both sides of the head, nausea and vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light (photophobia) and sound (phonophobia). A migraine's symptoms differ from a traditional headache because a typical headache is less painful and is not associated with other secondary symptoms.

Chiropractors are well-versed in treating neuromusculoskeletal conditions involving the cervical spine. At Chiropractic & Sports Health, our consultation and examination focus on finding the specific cause of your migraines. We will take a thorough history of your migraine but also look at your daily life and history to attain a complete picture of your health and the causes of your pain. While doing so, we collect knowledge of the current state of your health and function to determine why your migraines are so persistent. Once we have gained enough information about you and your pain, we can answer every patient’s question: What’s wrong? How can we help? How long will it take to get better?

How We Treat Migraines in Portland, ME

Once we have determined the cause of your migraines and created your custom treatment plan, our next step is to start helping you get better! Our treatment methods involve a combination of therapies to help improve your overall function. Each therapy is designed to help you regain strength, mobility, balance, and alignment.

For migraine patients, the treatment involves the following components:

Spinal Manipulation

Our chiropractic adjustments help restore the mobility of the joints in your spine. In cases of headache pain, many neck and upper back joints become stiff and lose their normal range of motion. As chiropractors, our goal is to locate these areas of restriction and restore their proper mobility with the adjustment.

Spinal Decompression

Cervical decompression helps to reduce tension and pressure in the upper cervical spine, relaxing tonic muscles and improving blood flow to the neck and brain. In cases where compression in the upper cervical spine is contributing to your pain, this treatment therapy can help alleviate many of those symptoms.

Myofascial Therapy

Sometimes, people have more intense muscle spasms and adhesions that limit movement and trigger discomfort. The head, upper neck, or jaw muscles are often involved with migraines. In these cases, we also offer therapies to help reduce pain and loosen those tight muscles. These therapies include muscle stimulation therapies and myofascial techniques to help release muscles that are stiffening up. Combining these techniques will help you improve your motion and help keep your joints moving better.

Custom Rehabilitative Exercises

In combination with the adjustments comes your personalized exercise instruction. Our office teaches specific treatment protocols to correct the dysfunction that contributes to the problem. Our system typically begins with ergonomics correction, stretches, and mobility drills. As you progress and improve, we build you further with strengthening exercises to help improve your stability. The goal for your care is not a temporary fix but one that will give you long-lasting relief that prevents future issues. Our focused exercise protocols will help you get there.

Check Out Our Locations Near You

15 Sewall Street
Portland, ME 04102


South Portland (inside Momentum Gym)
125 John Roberts Rd, Unit #16
South Portland, ME 04106


Frequently Asked Questions

Can going to a chiropractor help with a migraine?

Yes! Here at Chiropractic & Sports Health, we treat many patients with migraines. While migraines can be difficult to treat, adding chiropractic care to your treatment plan can help to reduce the intensity and frequency of your migraines. Through a combination of chiropractic adjustments, manual therapy, and rehabilitative exercises, we can help you live a more pain-free life.

What is the quickest way to get rid of a migraine?

Migraines can be debilitating. The pain is intense, can last for hours, and stops you in your tracks. When you are in the middle of a migraine, you will try anything to get the pain to stop. The best way to calm a migraine is to lie in a quiet, dark room with a cold compress on the neck or forehead. We also suggest drinking water and focusing on your breathing to help you relax. There are also pressure points along the head and neck where you can apply gentle pressure to help alleviate tension. If your doctor suggests, either over-the-counter medications or certain prescription medications can help to stop a migraine once it starts.

Does exercise help with migraines?

Exercise is a great way to stay healthy, relieve stress, and live a more active and fulfilling life. That being said, intense exercise can often trigger migraines due to changes in hormones, blood flow, and hydration status. So we always recommend a warm-up and cool-down routine as well as gradually increasing your workout's intensity and focusing primarily on low-impact exercise. Similarly, staying well hydrated before, during, and after the workout will help to keep your blood levels balanced. If you notice any exercises trigger a migraine, it is best to avoid them.

Can you permanently cure a migraine?

Unfortunately, as of the latest migraine research, there is no permanent cure for migraines. However, many patients can manage their migraines by working with a neurologist and a chiropractor. This management primarily involves avoiding triggers, such as specific smells or foods, as well as managing the physical/chemical components of the migraine through chiropractic adjustments and myofascial work.

What foods should I avoid during a migraine?

Food sensitivities are a very common trigger for migraines. But everyone suffering from migraines might have different foods that trigger them. The most common foods that trigger migraines are caffeine, alcohol, aged cheeses, chocolate, foods with MSG or Nitrates, artificial sweeteners, and dairy products. If you know that any of these foods trigger your migraines, then it is best to avoid them, especially during a migraine.