Pregnancy Chiropractor in Portland, ME Chiropractor for Pregnancy Near Me

Pregnancy Chiropractor In Portland, ME

Throughout pregnancy, a woman’s body will undergo several musculoskeletal and hormonal changes to accommodate the growing baby. Implementing appropriate nutritional and musculoskeletal support during this time is critical to managing and relieving pregnancy-related pain and dysfunction. Chiropractic care uses a non-invasive and holistic approach to optimize the well-being of mom and baby during this time by addressing the intricate connection between a woman’s musculoskeletal and reproductive health.

As the baby continues to grow, this will cause a shift in the mother’s center of gravity, leading to postural changes and altered biomechanics. These physical changes present along with an increasing production of a hormone called relaxin, which allows mom’s pelvis to relax before giving birth. Relaxin can, however, lead to instability in some joints, like the sacroiliac joints, leading to additional musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.

We will perform a thorough health history and physical examination on your initial visit to determine specific sources of your discomfort. We’ll assess for muscular imbalances, postural alterations, spinal and pelvic joint dysfunction, and potential areas of instability. Based on our assessment and your health history we’ll develop a treatment plan tailored and personalized to your specific goals. Prenatal chiropractic care often involves gentle adjustments to the spine and pelvis, aiming to alleviate discomfort, enhance pelvic balance, and optimize nervous system function.

Prenatal Chiropractic Car For Pregnant Moms in Portland, ME

Comprehensive Consultation and Examination

Pregnancy Chiropractor in Portland, ME Pregnancy Exam Near Me

No matter how far along you are in your pregnancy, our team of chiropractic professionals will begin by providing a thorough consultation and an exam. Throughout your consultation, our chiropractors will obtain your medical history. This consultation will allow the chiropractor to become aware of any difficulties you are experiencing. The information you share will help the chiropractor to have a complete understanding of any condition that arises.

Once your consultation is complete, the chiropractor will conduct your examination. This examination will consist of various assessments of movement and other orthopedic manipulation to better understand the pain. Subluxation will also be checked for so that it can be addressed in detail throughout the pregnancy so that the nervous system can function properly and result in a healthy delivery.

Manual Therapies

Gentle chiropractic adjustments and mobilizationshelp address restricted spinal regions. Adjustments are combined with targeted myofascial work to address tight muscles, taut ligaments, and trigger points. During the later stages of pregnancy, we may use KT Tape to provide extra support for the growing belly to reduce added stress on the lower back.

The Webster Technique

The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic technique designed to address the muscles, joints, and ligaments that comprise the pelvis. Using the Webster method allows for an optimal environment conducive to fetal growth and development, as well as comfort for mom during pregnancy and delivery.

Therapeutic Exercise Plan

Exercises to help decrease back pain, improve your mood, and enhance the quality of your sleep. Exercise is also critical for minimizing the risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Our providers will tailor an exercise regimen for you that is safe and effective during the various stages of your pregnancy. Exercise during pregnancy is not only safe but crucial in maintaining support of the pelvis and back during pregnancy.

Nutritional Supplementation

Nutrition is vital to a healthy pregnancy. A healthy and balanced diet with plenty of quality protein and supplementation of key nutrients will promote optimal health and well-being of mom and baby. A few nutritional supplements often recommended for all pregnant women are a B vitamin complex, magnesium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids. Talk to your provider about what supplements to look for to find the most bioavailable brand for your body to absorb easily.

Common Causes of Pregnancy Pain in Portland, ME

Low Back Pain

Lower back pain is the most common type of pregnancy pain due to the strain of weight gain and a series of biomechanical and postural changes. In the event of a diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles), spinal instability and discomfort increases.

Pelvic Pain

The hormone relaxin increases joint flexibility, allowing the pelvis to adapt during childbirth. This increased joint flexibility can be excessive and cause hypermobility or instability. Some women may also experience Pubic Symphysis Pain during pregnancy. The pubic symphysis is located in the midline just above the female genitalia, where the two sides of the pelvic bones meet.

Round Ligament Pain

Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis described as sharp, stabbing, or cramping is known as Round Ligament Pain, common among pregnant women. Quick movements or changing positions can often trigger this pain. The round ligaments connect the uterus to the pelvis and must stretch as the uterus expands, which often leads to this type of pain, commonly by the second trimester.


Headaches are very common during pregnancy, postpartum, or prenatal stages. Hormonal changes, stress, elevated blood volume, postural changes, high blood pressure, poor sleep quality, and gestational diabetes can all be contributors to headaches during pregnancy.


Compression of the sciatic nerve - sciatica - is discomfort often felt in the gluteal region that may travel down the posterior aspect of the thigh and leg. Tension in the piriformis muscle or added pressure onto the lower back and pelvis can cause irritation to the sciatic nerve. Targeted myofascial work, gentle mobilizations, and specific therapeutic exercises can help relieve sciatic pain.

Check Out Our Locations Near You

15 Sewall Street
Portland, ME 04102


South Portland (inside Momentum Gym)
125 John Roberts Rd, Unit #16
South Portland, ME 04106


Frequently Asked Questions

Is chiropractic safe during pregnancy?

Yes! Chiropractic is not only safe for mom and baby but beneficial for allowing the baby to grow and move freely. It also supports mom during drastic physical and hormonal changes. Chiropractic visits during pregnancy may look a little different than your traditional chiropractic visits as we adapt care to you and your changing body at each stage of pregnancy.

When should you start seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy?

Seeing a chiropractor can benefit during all stages of pregnancy. Chiropractic helps prepare the body for pregnancy but can help restore the body during the postnatal period.

How do you relieve back and pelvic pain during pregnancy?

With a combination of gentle chiropractic adjustments, myofascial release, stretching, and therapeutic exercise, back and pelvic pain can be minimized or even eliminated!

Is it normal for your pelvis to hurt during pregnancy?

Pelvic pain is very common during pregnancy. Throughout pregnancy, your body releases a hormone called relaxin, which causes ligaments to relax. Relaxin can, however, lead to excess motion, called hypermobility or even instability. Hypermobility or instability in the joints can cause irritation and pain.

Can chiropractic adjustments cause a miscarriage?

Chiropractic adjustments will not cause a miscarriage. Adjustments are gentle, specific, and safe for mom and baby. Chiropractic adjustments will allow for less discomfort, improved function, and, often, a smoother delivery.