Improving Our Workplace Ergonomics in Portland, ME

Hi, I'm Dr. Sean Murphy. And this is Dr. Chelsea Schultes. And we are here at Chiropractic & Sports Health to talk a little bit about desk posture related to low back pain.

Improve Your Desk Posture Better Ergonomics

So a lot of you probably have desk jobs, and you notice that your back hurts when you're sitting at your desk all day. Okay, so here you can see, Dr. Chelsea's really rounded forward, slumped forward, her core is not engaged. You can see her feet are tucked in underneath her leg. So to improve your posture at your desk, what you want to do is make sure you're sitting up, okay? And you want to think about opening up all the angles of your body. Okay, so here she's opened up that angle at her hip, okay, then what she's going to do is bring her legs out in front, so she's opened up, the angle behind her knees is now greater than nine degrees, the angle in front of her ankle is now greater than 90 degrees, and this angle here and her elbow is now greater than 90 degrees.

Better Workplace Posture For Low Back Pain Relief

Okay, so this will help alleviate some of her low back pain. And if you notice that your desk chair isn't quite as supportive enough with your low back, what you can also do is use one of these lumbar support pillows that if you slide down into here can actually help support your low back and help take some of the tension off your low back which could be contributing to some of your low back pain.

Learn more about Chiropractic Care and Low Back Pain.


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