Could Traction Therapy Benefit You?

What is traction?


Many of you are very familiar with our traction table. The rest of you may have only heard about it or may have just seen it in passing and wondered what it was. But the real question is: What is traction and is it right for you?


Mechanical traction is the process by which a pulling force is applied to your body, most commonly your neck or low back, which is performed with a computerized machine that is set to pull at a specific amount and time. The goal of traction is to use a gentle force to stretch different parts of the spine and alleviate pressure and tension that could be causing pain or other symptoms.


Traction is used to treat a wide variety of issues related to compression of the spine. These conditions range from spinal stenosis and arthritis to disc herniations or muscle spasms. Depending on the condition, you may experience a number of different symptoms. For example, you may experience pain in your neck or low back, pain into your arm or leg, or you could have numbness and tingling in your hands or feet. These are all signs that you may be suffering from compression in your spine and may benefit from decompression therapy.


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or know anyone who is, do not hesitate to contact our office. Our doctors can examine you and determine if traction therapy is the right option for you as part of your treatment plan.


Dr Sean Murphy


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